
Uncharted 1.06 - "Reopening Schools" with Laura Rosenthal

Caleb Coats Season 1 Episode 6

Laura is a Nurse Practitioner and has spent some time on the front lines of the COVID-19 response. She's also the Assistant Dean of DNP Programs at University of Colorado's College of Nursing.


Things we talked about:
- Her thoughts on opening schools
- How she would do it
- What she would be looking for in making the decision

Here are her recent comments in USA Today: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/2020/08/07/coronavirus-health-care-workers-have-mixed-feelings-watching-sports/3307200001/?fbclid=IwAR36sDvGr0t17KbXB_CfIAm7txjjAjY83LFSjda3B-6KORo1J-texKsJLW4